After three years of deputation we arrived on the field on October 28th. October was a very busy and month between traveling and taking everything to Florida to ship, but it was amazing to see how the Lord worked everything out and gave us the strength we needed. We left our hotel about 4 in the morning and arrived in Bequia at our new home that night around 7:30. We had no problems with our flights and the kids did wonderful traveling and loved the airplane.
During the month of November we had a lot of things go on. We spent several days getting all of our belongings that we shipped out of customs and over to our home. We were able to hire a truck to take it from the docks on St. Vincent all the way to our home here in Bequia. We finally have Internet after about 3 weeks of trying to get it hooked up. It has been a blessing to be able to live stream some of our home church’s services. We had a lot to be thankful for on Thanksgiving, we were able to extend our passports another 3 months while we work on our visa. Please pray for us about this that we can get the paperwork in and be approved.
Many of you have been praying for Brother Joseph for several years now. When we arrived here in Bequia I found out that he had passed away in May. This was heartbreaking for us. He was a great friend to us and we are saddened by his death, but before Bro. Joseph died he was able to lead his daughter to the Lord. We know that he is in heaven and we will see him again. Another young man that we have been praying for, Filroy, was saved and now is living on the main island of St Vincent.
Thank you to all those that have sent money to help us with our moving expenses and the funds for a vehicle, right now we are looking at one that is right down the road from us. In the meantime, we are just using the taxies and buses.
I want to ask you to pray with us, we have two families and several other individuals that are planning on joining with us once we find a place to begin holding services. We are hoping we can find a building or some land that we can use and, Lord willing, have our first services by the first of the year.
Please continue to keep our family in your prayers as we endeavor to reach the West Indies for Christ.
David Ballinger