As August 19th draws closer and closer the more I realize how much we have to get done before we can leave. I will be taking a trip, Lord willing, in May to try and find us a house and get some things in order for us to move down there in August. The last two months our support has come up to 73% we’ve had our plane tickets paid for and the money for our visa promised (PRAISE THE LORD!!). We are still praying for the funds needed to ship our belongings and cover the cost of a used vehicle in the islands. We also have a few open dates if your church is interested in having us come by to present the work. Please contact us soon.
Thank you for all your prayers! We know that with out them we would not be here today. God has given us safety on the roads and always provided, even when it looked like we would not make it God made a way. Thank you for your continued prayers as we travel and serve our Lord.
David, Mckenzie,
Malachi and Kathryn Ballinger
Missionaries to the West Indies
Answered Prayers
* Plane Tickets $2000- SUPPLIED
* Residents Visa $2000 Promised
* 50 Song Books
Things we still need for the Islands
* Shipping expenses $2000
* Vehicle for the islands. $7000
* Small Sound System